
Summer Fun at the Arboretum

Arts Fest in the Arboretum

During Maple Valley Days, enjoy free live music in the Arboretum. Presented in partnership with Maple Valley Creative Arts Council.
Saturday, June 8, 1pm -5pm

StoryWalk® Read – Alongs

Join Librarian Sharon in the great outdoors to read the StoryWalk® book each month! Presented with support from the Maple Valley Library Guild and King County Library System. Meet at 10:30am in the meadow.

June 15
July 20

Concerts at the Arboretum

Free concerts featuring local musicians, singers, songwriters and spoken word.
Presented in partnership with Maple Valley Creative Arts Council.
Tuesday evenings 6p-7p in the Perennial Garden

July 9, 16, 23 & 30
August 6, 13, 20 & 27
September 3

Yoga in the Garden

Take advantage of late summer evenings in July and August to relax, stretch and
strengthen through yoga.
Classes are led by Maple Leaf Movement. For more information and registration, see

Shakespeare in the Garden

Join us for a treat of a production of The Comedy of Errors in a unique setting! This is a pay-as-you-can performance presented in partnership with Emerald Theatre.
August 10, 2024 6:30pm
August 11, 2024 2pm

Summer Camps for kids

There will be a variety of options provided by different organizations. Check out their
websites for camp information and registration.
Maple Leaf Movement: https://www.mapleleafmovement.com/camps/
The Ashlar Way: https://www.theashlarway.com/summercamps24

Fall Plant Sale

Fall is a great time to plant in the Northwest. Come find your newest garden treasures
from the Arboretum or from one of the fabulous vendors.
September 14, 10am-4pm

The Northwest Fuchsia Society will be holding their annual judged fuchsia show again
this year. Visitors can see the many varieties of fuchsia that are available for them to
grow in baskets and planted in the ground in their yards. We will have many varieties for
sale with the Arboretum sale as well. Stop in and ask some questions!

Information Booth

The Arboretum’s Information Booth is open on Saturdays, 11am – 3pm.The volunteers
in the booth are happy to welcome you to the Arboretum and answer any questions you
may have.

NOTE: During the busy summer months at the Arboretum and Lake Wilderness Park, it may be
a good idea to check the Parks calendar to see if there are any large events planned
that may impact access to the Arboretum or availability of parking.

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